Cold Steel Soldiers Targe Shield (92BKPL) |
Points: 4
Cold Steel Soldiers Targe Shield. New for 2020, our Soldier's Targe. While very similar to our Medieval Buckler, it's about twice the size and just as stout and reliable. Appropriate for training with all non steel swords, its sure to provide years of hard service.
Cold Steel Medieval Buckler (92BKPB) |
Points: 3
Medieval Buckler by Cold Steel. Essentially, a Buckler is a small shield about the size of a large dinner plate. It often accompanied a swordsman as an aid in defense. The Cold Steel training replica is stoutly made and has a thick, sturdy, raised boss to protect the hand, and a rugged handle that will withstand plenty hard of use.
Always wear eye protection and appropriate equipment when training.
Not for use when training against metal weapons.
Cold Steel Balicki Stick (91EB) |
Cold Steel Balicki Stick. Slimmer, shorter, and substantially lighter than our standard Escrima Stick, it exhibits Rons preference for speed and agility. Its made from high impact virgin Polypropylene and has a subtle wood grain finish. Rons name is featured in brilliant silver and there are silver bands at each end for visibility and style. Its a must have training stick for anyone interested in the Filipino Martial Arts.
Cold Steel Pocket Shark (91SPB) |
Points: 1
Cold Steel Pocket Shark. As the saying goes, "the pen is mightier than the sword." Indeed, Cold Steel makes some mighty strong swords, but this little pen makes for some clever competition. It's the biggest, baddest, permanent marker around!
Cold Steel Koga SD1 (91K) |
Points: 1
Made of virtually unbreakable plastic, the SD1 can increase the ability of the average person to defend himself several times over. With proper training, it can function as a fantastic aid in leverage when obtaining joint locks or submission holds. But where it really shines is as an intermediate impact tool. You see, police and civilians alike face a perplexing dilemma when contemplating employing fist or baton blows. Blows struck with the fist may be too weak, or worse, result in a broken hand, while blows struck with a baton may be too powerful resulting in grave injury or even death. The SD1 however, solves this problem, neatly bridging the gap by concentrating and magnifying the effect of hand blows while minimizing the likelihood of permanent injury or death. If you are looking to expand your continuum of force options in a self-defense situation, we heartily suggest you buy a Koga SD1.
Cold Steel Mini Koga SD2 (91MK) |
Points: 1
Made of virtually unbreakable plastic, the SD1 can increase the ability of the average person to defend himself several times over. With proper training, it can function as a fantastic aid in leverage when obtaining joint locks or submission holds. But where it really shines is as an intermediate impact tool. You see, police and civilians alike face a perplexing dilemma when contemplating employing fist or baton blows. Blows struck with the fist may be too weak, or worse, result in a broken hand, while blows struck with a baton may be too powerful resulting in grave injury or even death. The SD1 however, solves this problem, neatly bridging the gap by concentrating and magnifying the effect of hand blows while minimizing the likelihood of permanent injury or death. If you are looking to expand your continuum of force options in a self-defense situation, we heartily suggest you buy a Koga SD1.
Cold Steel Escrima Stick (91E) |
Points: 3
Cold Steel Escrima Stick resembles a traditional rattan stick in length, weight, and cross section, it is however, much more durable because it is injection molded from super tough black polypropylene. It measures 32'' long and is 1'' in diameter and weighs a little over 15 ounces. Unlike rattan, it resists mildew, and won’t dry out, warp, crack splinter or shrink, and with the use of a saw, it can easily be modified to any length. Plus, like our baseball bats, Bokken, and African Walking Stick, it is easy to clean and is so resistant to impact stresses and the elements, that it is virtually unbreakable and practically indestructible. We’re confident that stick fighting enthusiasts and the Filipino Martial Arts Community will want to add one or more of these sticks to their training arsenal.
Cold Steel Training Staff (91ES) |
Points: 5
Perfect for pell work and for conditioning training, this high-impact staff will make an excellent addition to any Martial Artists training regime!
DVD Cold Steel Fighting With The Saber And Cutlass (VDFSC) |
“Fighting with the Saber and Cutlass” is really not for people who are only interested in gaining dexterity in sport fencing or the learning the superficial choreographic techniques used for stage and screen. There are plenty of resources available on the market for learning those skills. This DVD set is designed as a serious, straightforward, and focused course that deals solely with the combative use of the saber and cutlass.
DVD Cold Steel The Fighting Tomahawk (VDFT) |
Points: 7
Tomahawks, in many variations, have seen service in every armed conflict in our nation’s history. Unfortunately, up until now, there has been very little formal instruction on how to exploit the versatility of the Tomahawk and take advantage of its full potential as a weapon. That is why, after 13 years of manufacturing and 15 years of research, training, and sparring, Cold Steel is presenting our new DVD, The Fighting Tomahawk.
DVD Cold Steel Warrior's Edge (VDWEP) |
Points: 5
The result of Cold Steel's effort is a knife fighting method which stresses the avoidance of close range in favor of long range techniques aided by footwork, rhythm, timing, speed and superior tactics and strategy.
DVD Cold Steel The Fighting Machete (VDFM) |
Points: 7
In a self defense emergency, Machete can double as a big knife, or short sword capable of cutting, slashing, smashing or piercing just about anything in its path. In this instructional DVD series, Lynn Thompson teaches you how to harness the full self defense potential of these versatile
DVD Cold Steel The Fighting Sarong (VDFS) |
Points: 7
Ron Balicki will take you through a comprehensive look at the Indonesian and Filipino art of “The Fighting Sarong”. To date this art is relatively unknown to the world. Ron has trained in Sarong fighting for over 20 years and is sharing his vast knowledge with you today.
DVD Cold Steel Self Defense With The Sjambok (VDFSK) |
Points: 7
In addition to its use as a cattle prod, whip, and a means of self protection, the African Sjambok is also known as a formidable snake killer. Its considerable reach, lightning speed and devastating impact make child’s play of dispatching some of the biggest snakes. And you can imagine how devastatingly effective it is on two legged predators as well. A light blow can raise a serious welt while a heavy stroke can cut through thick clothing as efficiently as a razor, leaving a fearsome yet non-lethal wound.
DVD Cold Steel Ron Balicki's Filipino Boxing (VDFB) |
In this DVD series you will learn the traditional Filipino boxing method using empty hands instead of gloves. Developed during the heyday of bare-knuckle boxing, it has surprised and confounded the traditional "western style" boxer for more than a century.
Tags: swords, sword, katana, wakizashi, tanto, japanese sword, medieval sword, viking sword, japanese swords, medieval swords, viking swords, knife, knives, saber, armour, movie swords, movie replicas, martial arts, sporting goods, sporting equipment,